日前中國外交部發言人華春瑩用推特反擊美國國務院發言人歐塔加斯,表示「隨時歡迎到中國,你可以跟街上任何一人交談,享受自由」。結果「歡迎來中國享受自由」這段話立即成為近期最熱門的網路黑話與話題,同時也被美國聯邦通信委員會(FCC)的共和黨委員布倫丹.卡爾( Brendan Carr)連發九條推文回應華春瑩的邀請:

First, I would like to speak with Dr. AI Fen. She worked at Wuhan Central Hospital and tried to sound the alarm on the virus. Could you un-disappear her so we could speak?
2. Next, I’d like to speak with Chen Qiushi and Fang Bin – two video bloggers that tried to bring the world a glimpse of Wuhan unfiltered by your Communist regime. Could you un-disappear them so we could speak?
2. 接下來,我想與陳秋實和方斌談談 —— 這兩位視頻博主試圖讓世界瞥見不被共產黨政權過濾的武漢。您能讓他們現身,讓我們可以說說話嗎?
3. I’d like to speak with Li Zehua next. He worked as a journalist in Wuhan and refused to stay silent on Covid. In his last report, he live-streamed his own arrest. Could you un-disappear him so we could speak?
3. 接下來,我想與李澤華談談。他在武漢做新聞記者並且拒絕對 Covid 保持沉默。在他最後一次的報導中,他直播了自己被逮捕的過程。您能讓他現身,讓我們說說話嗎?
4. I’d then like to speak with Xu Zhiyong. He was arrested after he criticized your party leader for his botched handling of the coronavirus outbreak. Could you un-disappear him so we could speak?
4. 然後,我想和許志永談談。他因批評您們的黨主席在冠狀病毒爆發時糟透了的處理方式而被捕。您能讓他現身,讓我們說說話嗎?
5. They’re not available for comment? That’s odd. Then let me speak with Ren Zhiqiang. He committed the high crime of writing an article criticizing your regime’s attempt to cover up the Covid outbreak. Could you un-disappear him so we could speak?
5. 他們都不能出來說話嗎?真奇怪。那讓我跟任志強談一談。他因撰寫一篇文章批評您的政權企圖掩蓋 Covid 病毒的爆發,而被定下了重罪。您能讓他現身,讓我們說說話嗎?
6. Ok, how about the hero doctor Li Wenliang then? He was dragged to a police station in the middle of the night and forced to recant the early warning he wanted the world to hear.
6. 好吧,那英雄醫生李文亮呢?他在半夜被拖到派出所,被迫撤回他希望全世界聽到的預警。
7. Could I speak with Xu Zhangrun? He’s a law professor in Beijing that wrote an essay titled “Viral Alarm.” It says what the world knows: your authoritarian regime and censorship hindered efforts to slow Covid’s spread. Could you un-disappear him?
7. 我可以和許章潤談談嗎?他是北京的法學教授,寫了一篇題為「病毒警報」的文章。它說出了世界所知道的:您的專制政權和審查制度阻礙了延緩冠狀病毒傳播的努力。您能讓他現身嗎?
8. I’d then like to speak with Xie Linka who worked at Wuhan Union Hospital. She joined other Wuhan health officials in trying to sound the alarm on Covid before being berated and forced into silence by communist officials. Can I speak with her?
8. 然後,我想和在武漢協和醫院工作的謝琳卡談一談。她與其他武漢市醫護人員一起試圖去敲響 Covid 病毒的警鐘,但隨即遭到共產黨官員的斥責並被迫保持沈默。我可以和她說說話嗎?
9. @SpokespersonCHN does your offer still stand? Or has it suddenly disappeared as things tend to do over there?
9. @SpokespersonCHN 華發言人您的邀請仍然有效嗎?還是也像其它在中國的事一樣,突然就消失了?