
Spiral Jetty is an earthwork sculpture by Robert Smithson, consisting of a 1,500-foot long, 15-foot anti-clockwise coil jutting from the shore of the Great Salt Lake in Utah, USA. Smithson reportedly chose this site because of the vibrant colours of the water (salt‑tolerant bacteria and algae thrive here in water with 27% salinity) and its similarity to the Earth’s ancient seas. 

螺旋埠(Spiral Jetty)是藝術家羅伯特.史密森(Robert Smithson)的景觀雕塑作品,其中包含一逆時針線圈突出美國猶他州的大鹽湖。據聞,史密森喜愛湖水的鮮豔顏色(耐鹽的細菌與水藻在鹽分高達27%的湖泊興旺生長),且因大鹽湖近似地球的古代海洋而選擇在本地創作。

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